![Aïda Muluneh (Ethiopian, born 1974), [title, year] Photograph. © Aïda Muluneh. Used with permission. Aïda Muluneh (Ethiopian, born 1974), [title, year] Photograph. © Aïda Muluneh. Used with permission.](https://dg.philhist.unibas.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/dg/Forschung/Kolloquien/Key_Visuals_Kolloquium/Africa/Aida_Muluneh_The_Shackles_of_Limitations_2018_visual.jpg?1663744736)
Research Seminar
African History
The research seminar in African History is a forum for MA and doctoral students as well as postdocs from Basel to discuss their ongoing projects and engage with the work of invited external speakers.
This semester's research seminar consists of a series of talks by external guests taking place on Mondays over lunch. In addition, we organise a "work in progress" workshop in which we discuss participants' precirculated papers. These can be anything – a project proposal, a draft chapter from one’s PhD thesis, the introduction to the MA thesis (rough maximum of 7.000 words). If you'd like to contribute a paper, please tell the organisers as soon as possible.
Program Flyer "African History", updated (Spring Semester 25)