Olha Martynyuk

Dr. Olha Martynyuk

Assistentin / PostDoc (Departement Geschichte)


Departement Geschichte
Hirschgässlein 21
4051 Basel

Olha Martynyuk

  • Mobility and Transport in Eastern Europe
  • History of Science and Technology
  • Cycling in Ukraine, XIX-XX centuries
  • Russian Nationalism and Electoral Politics in early XX century

Olha Martynyuk is a postdoc at the University of Basel and a senior lecturer at the National Technical University of Ukraine Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. In 2017, she defended a dissertation on Russian nationalism in early twentieth-century Ukraine. Since then, she has switched to teaching history of science and technology. Her current book project is entitled “Bicycle Mobility in Ukraine, 1890–1990.” She has previously coedited the volume Living in a Modern City: Kyiv of the Late Nineteenth to Mid-Twentieth Centuries (ukr), curated the exhibition Bicycleboom 1890s (ukr), and assisted prof. Kate Brown with writing Manual for Survival: An Environmental History of the ChernobylDisaster. In 2022, she has given multiple interviews about Ukrainian history, culture and identity to the Swiss and the German press: NZZ am Sonntag, WOZ, Velojournal, GEO Magazin, Bajour.

Martynyuk, Olha. “Threatening Mobility: Cycling during World War II from a Ukrainian Perspective.”The Journal of Transport History, February 23, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1177/00225266231156113.

Мартинюк О. В. Публічність, видимість, видовищність: Київське товариство велосипедистів-любителів у контексті міських трансформацій 1890-х років// Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В.Н. Каразіна. – Вип. 26. – Харків, 2018. – С. 65-81

Мартинюк, Ольга. “Електоральні зібрання у Києві 1906-1912 рр як практика демократії в умовах абсолютизму” In Живучи в модерному місті: Київ кінця ХІХ - середини ХХ ст., edited by Олена Бетлій, Катерина Диса, and Ольга Мартинюк, 166–80. Київ: Дух і Літера, 2016.

Мартинюк О. В. «Настрій виборців спокійний, шкідливої діяльності не виявлено»: вибори в IV Державну думу на матеріалах жандармських та адміністративних звітів Київського генерал-губернаторства// Україна: культурна спадщина, національна свідомість, державність. – 2013. – Вип. 23. – С. 310–324.

Martynuk O. Sacred Hills and Commercial Downtown: Ethnic Meanings of Urban Spaces in Late Imperial Kiev [Online resourse]/ Ed. A. Pasieka, D. Petruccelli, B. Roth// Re-thinking European Politics and History. IWM Junior Visiting Fellows' Conferences. – Vienna, 2012. – Vol. 32. Date: 21.11.2012.

Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF). “1 Jahr Krieg in der Ukraine: Olha Martynyuk, eine der ersten - Regionaljournal Basel Baselland - SRF” Accessed March 3, 2023.

Martynyuk, Olha. “Auf der Suche nach innerem Frieden” February 23, 2023.

Roth, Rafaela. “«Die Ukraine sind 50 Töne aller Farben» – Historikerin Olha Martynyuk zur nationalen Identität ihres Landes.” NZZ Magazin, April 3, 2022.

Roth, Rafaela. “‘Menschen kann man unterwerfen, ihre Ideen nicht’: ein Gespräch mit der Historikierin Olha Martynyuk.” GEO Perspektive, no. Sonderausgabe (2022): 28–37.

Mijnssen, Pete. “«Lenin war ein begeisterter Velofahrer – vor der Revolution»: Interview mit der ukrainischen Historikerin Olha Martynyuk.” Velojournal, November 16, 2022.

“KBOO Bike Show: Ukraine and NW Arkansas | Portland Transport. (Podcast). “Alon talks with Dr. Olha Martynuk, a Ukranian historian who has looked at the history of cycling in the Ukraine and Soviet Union”, Accessed March 3, 2023.

Adelina Gashi, Ina Bullwinkel. „Schon früh war da eine starke, liberale und demokratische idee von der Ukraine”: die ukrainische Historikerin Olha Martynyuk blickt auf die Ukrainische Geschichte zurück und erklärt, warum es falsch sei, von Russland und der Ukraine als Brudernationen” zu Bajour, March 31, 2022.

Martynyuk, Olha, and Alla Martynyuk-Medvetska. “The Rooster Crows Southwards: The Riddle of the Modernist Sanatorium in Truskavets.” VONO: Independent Art Paper, January 9, 2021. (Original Ukrainian Version: Мартинюк Ольга, Мартинюк-Медвецька Алла. “Півень піє на південь: загадка модерністського санаторію в Трускавці”// VONO незалежне медія про мистецтво і культуру. Вересень 2021)

Brown, Kate, and Olha Martynyuk. “The Harvests of Chernobyl”, Aeon, 2016. (Ukr. Translation: Мартинюк, Ольга, and Кейт Браун. “Чорниці в Чорнобиль не вірують: традиційне поліське збиральництво в часи глобальних змін” Далі буде, 2017.

“Велобум 1890х / The Bicycle Craze of 1890s - YouTube” Accessed May 30, 2023.

"Bündner Baumeister in der Westukraine: Gesellschaft und Erbe der Renaissance (1560-1660)" together with dipl. Arch. Alla Martynyuk-Medvetska,  Historische Gesellschaft Graubünden, 26. Nov. 2023, Chur

"Bicycle Boom of 1890s in Ukraine: Local Mobilities Between Imperial Politics", Keynote Lecture at the Annual Convention of International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport, July 12-14, 2023, Lausanne

“Was the Soviet Union Friendly to Bicycles?” Presentation at International Symposium “Knowledge Production in Public Transport: Normativities. Actors. Outcomes,” Tbilisi, Georgia, March 18-21, 2023

“Gender and Cycling in Ukraine (1890—1990)”, Lecture in Framework of URIS Ringvorlesung, 28.11.22

“Was USSR Friendly to Bicycles?”, Public Lecture at University of Lausanne, Observatoire universitaire du vélo et des mobilités actives, 01. Dec. 2022

 “Desirable and Dangerous: Cycling in World War II from Ukrainian Perspective», Presentation at Transport, Traffic and Mobility Conference 2022 Annual Convention, Sept 21-24, 2022, Padova, Italy

“Was Soviet Union Friendly to Bicycles?”, Presentation at "Everyday Life in State-Socialist Societies," (12-15 May, Pula, Croatia) 

“Russian Nationalism in Early 20th Century Ukraine – Why Did It Fail?”, Presentation at Symposium “Ukraine – Intersection of European Traditions”, UniBasel, 9-10 May, 2022

Public Talk «A Very Difficult Homework: Student Responses to the War, According to a Survey from Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», within a URIS Research Initiative Conference “Consequences of the Russian War of Aggression for Science and Research in Ukraine” on February 24, 2023

Podiumsgespäch “Die Ukraine und Europa: Vergangenheit und Zukunft eines komplexen Verhältnisses”, BuchBasel Festival, Olha Martynyuk mit Juri Andrukhowytsch, Frithjof Benjamin Schenk, moderiert von Judith Huber (SRF)

“Weder Psychologie noch Geopolitik: auf dem Podium im «Kosmos»: Leandra Bias, Anna Jikhareva, Olha Martynyuk und Moderator Sami” March 8, 2022.

Podiumsdiskussion mit Melanie Mettler (Nationalrätin), Olha Martynyuk (Universität Basel/Kyiv), Boris Belge (Universität Basel), moderiert von Sebastian Ramspeck (SRF), on “Drei Tage Ukrainische Kultur und Begegnungen im Dispo Nidau”, 21.-24. August, 2022

Transport Mobility in Eastern Europe: Political Designs and Lived Experiences (mid XIX - XX Century)

The course invites to explore East-European History of mid XIX - late XX cent. through the concept of mobility, which encompasses movement of people, goods and ideas. Students will deal with a corpus of texts on social history of transportation, as well as with a rich array of visual materials. Of special interest will be cases, specific to the region, for example culture of Orthodox Christian pilgrimage, forced resettlement programs or “destalinization” of metro stations. Cases of imported western technologies will provide ground for interregional comparisons, not only in aspects of introduction of transport system, but also in aspects of their exploitation and disintegration. The course is built on a premise that mobilities are products of social construction and, at the same time, they form long-term structures. Although Ukrainian historical mobilities will lay in the focus of the course, its geography will cover a broad territory between Berlin, Riga, and Budapest on the West and Ural Mountains on the East. Knowledge of East-European languages is not required. The assignments will combine oral and written tasks, as well as creative reuse of visual sources.