16 Mai 2024
12:15  - 13:15

Seminarraum 113, Slavisches Seminar, Nadelberg 8, 4051 Basel

Profilbereich Osteuropa

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Researching Family Photographs: Discoveries and Challenges

Lunch talk with Oksana Sarkisova and Olga Shevchenko

In their new book In Visible Presence. Soviet Afterlives in Family Photos (MIT Press 2023) Oksana Sarkisova and Olga Shevchenko bring together photographs from Soviet-era family photo archives and investigate their afterlives in Russia. What does the past look like through the prism of photographs? How do they contribute to contemporary memory politics and what role do they play in communication across generations? In an informal setting during lunchtime the authors will talk and discuss with us about the versatility of their main subject of research, the family photographs.

Lunch will be provided. Please sign up through the link in the Flyer below.

Please also note the book presentation organized by Forum eikones that takes place on May 16 as well.

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