17 Dez 2018

Universität Basel, HS 001, Kollegiengebäude

Forschungsstelle Schweiz-Türkei (SFST)

What is the NEW in the NEW TURKEY?

Vortrag von Prof. Esra Özyürek (London), Annual Lecture der Forschungsstelle Schweiz-Türkei (SFST)

Prof. Esra Özyürek von der London School of Economics wird sprechen zu

What is the NEW in the NEW TURKEY?

Is this a “New Turkey” as the President Erdoğan and his cadres like to call it? Or is it the Old Turkey in new garments?
This lecture is an attempt to understand what is new and what is old about Turkey.

Die Lecture wird in Hörsaal 001 im Kollegiengebäude am Petersplatz stattfinden.

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