URIS-Workshop: Exploring the own West. Pilgrimage and travel in the Russian Empire in the 19th century

Unser Workshop geht schon in die 5. Runde, dieses Mal u.A. mit einer Lecture von Christine D. Worobec! Kommt vorbei!
Thanks to the development of modern infrastructure and other factors of socio-political change, geographical mobility in the Russian Empire intensified in the second half of the 19th century. An increasing number of Travellers, pilgrims and tourists started exploring the own country. To which extent did travel in Russia differ from that in Western Europe? Did mobility facilitate the spatial integration of the polyethnic empire? Or did the encounter with «the Other» enhance feelings of regional and/or national belonging?
Program, Monday, 20 May 2019
2.00 pm
«Orthodox Pilgrimages in Late Imperial Russia: A Golden Age» Lecture by Christine D. Worobec (Distinguished Research Professor em., Northern Illinois University)
3.30 pm
Coffee Break
4.00 pm
Roundtable Discussion with Christine D. Worobec, Kateryna Dysa, F. Benjamin Schenk
Chair: Anna Hodel Laszlo
Contact and precirculated paper: Anne Hasselmann