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Student Essays from blended-learning course "Examining African Contributions to Global Health"

Student Essays

(c) soundtrap, unsplash.com

The course was MOOC-based and taught by Tanja Hammel in spring 2022.

14 students from different disciplines such as economics, history, European Global Studies and African Studies participated. Some of the essays they wrote about a topic from the MOOC, they wanted to devote more time to and delve into were so good that we simply could not just put them into a drawer, as they deserve publishing and being read by a wider public. We therefore proudly present five essays ranging widely from parachute research and Ebola, silences in the history of medicine as in the silencing of how Senegal coped with the Covid-19 pandemic, a private-public partnership between Novartis and the government of Ghana to combat sickle cell disease to traditional medicine in the Nigerian healthcare system.






For those interested in the 5-week MOOC, it will be facilitated by Sinergia group members again from 3 October to 4 November 2022.

Students at the University of Basel have the last chance to take the blended-learning course based on the MOOC with Tanja Hammel in autumn 2022.