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Mischa Suter: Bankruptcy and Debt Collection in Liberal Capitalism


Switzerland, 1800–1900

Drawing on perspectives from anthropology and social theory, this book explores the quotidian routines of debt collection in nineteenth-century capitalism. It focuses on Switzerland, an exemplary case of liberal rule. Debt collection and bankruptcy relied on received practices until they were standardized in a Swiss federal law in 1889. The vast array of these practices was summarized by the idiomatic Swiss legal term “Rechtstrieb” (literally, “law drive”). Analyzing these forms of summary justice opens a window to the makeshift economies and the contested political imaginaries of nineteenth-century everyday life. Ultimately, the book advances an empirically grounded and theoretically informed history of quotidian legal practices in the everyday economy; it is an argument for studying capitalism from the bottom up.

June 2021, 335pp.
Hardcover, 6 x 9.

Series: Social History, Popular Culture, and Politics in Germany

DOI: 10.3998/mpub.11600140 

ISBN 978-0-472-13252-2

Link zum Buch in der University of Michigan Press

Es handelt sich hier um die englische Übersetzung des bereits erschienenen Buches von Mischa Suter: Rechtstrieb: Schulden und Vollstreckung im liberalen Kapitalismus 1800–1900, Konstanz 2016