08 Nov 2021
14:15  - 15:45

Departement Geschichte, Hirschgässlein 21, Seminarraum 3 / ZOOM-Hybrid



Get it done: practical advice, strategies and support to finish your dissertation - Day 3

Workshop mit Julia Büchele (G3S)

Writing – and finishing writing! – a PhD is a challenging endeavor. Many PhD candidates struggle to transition from research and writing into getting the thesis done and submitting the manuscript. Challenges, among others are: having many other obligations (such as child- and elderly care, jobs, political/activist engagements, volunteering, hobbies etc.), setting priorities, time management, anxiety around contacting supervisors, workload, uncertainty about expectations concerning quality, length, and format of the thesis, financial issues etc. Many of the issues are not academic in the strict sense. Most often it is a feeling of being pressured, overwhelmed, confused, and/or lost. Most candidates who face those issues believe that they alone face those challenges and their situation is unique. While a PhD is supposed to be an individual project, the experience of it is by no means unique.

This course contextualizes the experience of doing (and importantly finishing!) the PhD, provides systematic knowledge about the different experiences and common challenges of the last phase of the PhD, and provides opportunity for peer-group exchange. The course is a safe space in which personal issues and experiences can be shared. It provides room to reflect on individual problems, practical and emotional challenges but also solutions and successful strategies. 

This course faces the challenges of finishing a PhD head on and aims at providing some tips for PhD candidates in finalizing their PhD theses. Key topics include finding a submission date, time management, getting into the right mind-set, asking for support, and communication with supervisors.

Venue: We will decide whether the workshop will take place via zoom or in class depending on the participant's wishes and needs.


Monday 11.10.2021  - 14:15 - 15:45 Uhr

Monday 18.10.2021  - 14:15 - 15:45 Uhr

Monday 08.11.2021  - 14:15 - 15:45 Uhr

Monday 22.11.2021  - 14:15 - 15:45 Uhr


Until 26th September 2021 via email to Julia Büchele (j.buechele@clutterunibas.ch). Please include a short statement (max. 1 page) about how far you are in your dissertation and the biggest challenges you are facing right now.

!Attention, the number of participants is limited to 10 persons. Participants should ideally be in the very last phase of their PhD and should aim at handing in within 6 months!

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