/ Forschung
Burghartz, Susanna; Burkart, Lucas; Göttler, Christine; Rublack, Ulinka (Eds.): Materialized Identities in Early Modern Culture, 1450-1750

This collection embraces the increasing interest in the material world of the Renaissance and the early modern period, which has both fascinated contemporaries and initiated in recent years a distinguished historiography.
We proudly present our book "Materialized Identities in Early Modern Culture", the result of a fascinating interdisciplinary project. Carried out as a collaborative project between Basel, Bern and Cambridge it profited enormously from close contacts with curators from various museums.
This collection embraces the increasing interest in the material world of the Renaissance and the early modern period, which has both fascinated contemporaries and initiated in recent years a distinguished historiography. The scholarship within is distinctive for engaging with the agentive qualities of matter, showing how affective dimensions in history connect with material history, and exploring the religious and cultural identity dimensions of the use of materials and artefacts. It thus aims to refocus our understanding of the meaning of the material world in this period by centering on the vibrancy of matter itself. To achieve this goal, the authors approach "the material" through four themes - glass, feathers, gold paints, and veils - in relation to specific individuals, material milieus, and interpretative communities. In examining these four types of materialities and object groups, which were attached to different sensory regimes and valorizations, this book charts how each underwent significant changes during this period.
Edited by Susanna Burghartz, Lucas Burkart, Christine Gottler, and Ulinka Rublack
ISBN: 9789463728959
Format: Hardback
Number of pages: 418
Language: English
The publication of this book is made possible by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation.
The book is available as an open access publication (in both high and low resolution, links below).