Reference Works
Arnold, John: History : a very short introduction, Oxford 2000 (Very short introductions).
Bloch, Marc: The historian’s craft, Manchester 1992.
Collingwood, Robin G.: The idea of history, London [etc.] 1946/1970 (Oxford paperbacks).
Evans, Richard J.: In Defence of History, London 1997.
Goertz, Hans-Jürgen: Geschichte. Ein Grundkurs, Reinbek bei Hamburg 2007 (rowohlts enzyklopädie).
Jordan, Stefan: Einführung in das Geschichtsstudium, Stuttgart 2005 (Universal-Bibliothek).
Jordanova, Ludmilla: History in practice, London 2006.
Loughran, Tracey: A practical guide to studying history : skills and approaches, London 2017.
Rublack, Ulinka: A concise companion to history, Oxford 2011.
Bentley, Jerry H.: The Oxford handbook of World history, Oxford 2014.
Blanning, T. C. W.: The Oxford history of modern Europe, Oxford 2000.
Dame, Frederick William: History of Switzerland, Lewiston (N.Y.) 2003.
Driever, Rainer: Der grosse Ploetz. Die Chronik zur Weltgeschichte, Göttingen 2010. Classical reference work on the history of events.
Fage, John Donnelly; Oliver, Roland; Clark, John Desmond: The Cambridge history of Africa, Cambridge [etc.] 1975-1997. Volumes 5-8. The individual volumes are available online in the UB library catalogue.
Fuchs, Konrad; Raab, Heribert: Dtv-Wörterbuch zur Geschichte, München 1990.
Gall, Lothar: Enzyklopädie deutscher Geschichte, München 1988-.
Gall, Lothar: Oldenbourg Grundriss der Geschichte (OGG), München, Wien 1980-.
Gates, Henry Louis; Appiah, Anthony: Encyclopedia of Africa, Oxford [etc.] 2010.
Geiss, Imanuel; Intemann, Gabriele: Geschichte griffbereit, Gütersloh 2002.
Hamilton, Carolyn; Ross, Robert: The Cambridge history of South Africa, Cambridge 2010-2011. The individual volumes are available online in the UB library catalogue.
Horowitz, Maryanne Cline: New dictionary of the history of ideas, Detroit 2005.
Howard, Michael: The Oxford history of the twentieth century, Oxford [etc.] 1998.
Jaeger, Friedrich: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, Stuttgart 2005-2012.
Kerr, Anne; Wright, Edmund: A dictionary of world history, [Oxford] 2015 (Oxford quick reference).
Kreis, Georg (Hg.): Die Geschichte der Schweiz, Basel 2014.
Mourre, Michel; Lemarchand, Philippe: Dictionnaire encyclopédique d’histoire, Paris 1996.
Roberts, John M.; Westad, Odd Arne: The Penguin history of the world, London 2014.
Sebastian, Anton: A dictionary of the history of science, New York 2001.
Shillington, Kevin: Encyclopedia of African history, New York [etc.] 2005.
Smith, Helmut Walser: The Oxford handbook of modern German history, Oxford 2011.
Türler, Heinrich; Tribolet H: Historisch-biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Neuchâtel 1921-1934. A PDF version of all volumes is available on the website of the Swiss National Library.
Winks, Robin W.; Louis, Roger; Canny, Nicholas P. u. a.: The Oxford history of the British Empire, Oxford 2001. See also the various publications in the Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series.
Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS) - Schweizer Geschichte. The Historical Dictionary of Switzerland.