Shared Elements

The list below shows all referenceable elements (Shared Elements) of this easyWeb standard website. Copying and pasting one of the URLs into the content element referencing (on a page of this or another easyWeb standard website) creates the corresponding element on the web page.


  • OEG & Slavisches Seminar
    • Kachel URIS (the page is not translated yet)
    • Ringvorlesung URIS (the page is not translated yet)
    • Ringvorlesung Geschichte der Ukraine (the page is not translated yet)
    • Ringvorlesung HS23 Geschichte der Ukraine (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kachel Geschichte der Ukraine (the page is not translated yet)
    • Online-Ausstellung "Soviet Central Asia" (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kachel Ringvorlesung URIS (the page is not translated yet)
    • Ausstellungsprojekt Platten (the page is not translated yet)
    • Exkursionen I (the page is not translated yet)
    • Exkursionen II (the page is not translated yet)
      • Serbien - Bosnien und Herzegowina (the page is not translated yet)
      • Polen und Litauen (the page is not translated yet)
      • St. Petersburg (the page is not translated yet)
      • Polen (the page is not translated yet)
      • Tscheljabinsk – Yekaterinburg (the page is not translated yet)
      • Tschechien (the page is not translated yet)
      • Solovki (the page is not translated yet)
    • Exkursionen II Profilbereich Osteuropa (the page is not translated yet)
    • Forschungsprojekte OEG (the page is not translated yet)
      • Hubs of Transregional Migration (the page is not translated yet)
      • Russlands Aufbruch in die Moderne (the page is not translated yet)
        • Bilder des Fremden (the page is not translated yet)
        • Industrielle Bilder (the page is not translated yet)
      • Imperial Subjects (the page is not translated yet)
      • SNF-Projekt Nadine Freiermuth (the page is not translated yet)
      • SNF-Projekt Martin Jeske (the page is not translated yet)
      • Einzelprojekte und Inititativen (the page is not translated yet)
        • Konferenzen (the page is not translated yet)
        • Lenins Zug (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kooperation Tscheljabinsk (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kooperation Lublin (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kooperation HSE (the page is not translated yet)
    • Personenliste (the page is not translated yet)
      • Professoren (the page is not translated yet)
      • Assistierende (the page is not translated yet)
      • Wissenschaftliche Verwaltung, Sekretariat, Hilfskräfte (the page is not translated yet)
      • MitarbeiterInnen und Doktorierende (the page is not translated yet)
      • Lehrbeauftrage und Gastdozierende (the page is not translated yet)
      • Emeriti (the page is not translated yet)
  • Frühe Neuzeit allgemein Opitz
    • Forschungsprojekte
      • Mommertz, Monika (the page is not translated yet)
      • Seydi, Ousman (the page is not translated yet)
      • Opitz-Belakhal, Claudia (the page is not translated yet)
      • Voerkel, Elise (the page is not translated yet)
      • Ruppel, Sophie (the page is not translated yet)
      • Bentsch, Selina (the page is not translated yet)
      • Vogt, Aline (the page is not translated yet)
      • Jakob, Janine (the page is not translated yet)
  • Doktorat
    • Alte_Geschichte_Doktorat_Kachel (the page is not translated yet)
    • Geschichte_Doktorat_Kachel (the page is not translated yet)
    • OEG_Doktorat_Kachel (the page is not translated yet)
    • European_Global_Doktorat_Kachel (the page is not translated yet)
    • Jüdische_Studien_Doktorat_Kachel (the page is not translated yet)
  • Studium
    • BA Osteuropa-Studien_Kachel (the page is not translated yet)
    • BA Geschichte_Kachel (the page is not translated yet)
    • MA Geschichte_Kachel (the page is not translated yet)
    • MA Osteuropäische Geschichte_Kachel (the page is not translated yet)
    • MA Europäische Geschichte_Kachel (the page is not translated yet)
    • Werkzeugkasten Geschichte (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kontakte Studium (the page is not translated yet)
    • Service Studium (the page is not translated yet)
    • Studieninformationen Geschichte (the page is not translated yet)
    • Informationen Studium (the page is not translated yet)
    • Studienadministration Geschichte (the page is not translated yet)
    • Frauenstadtrundgang (the page is not translated yet)
    • MSG Europa global_Kachel (the page is not translated yet)
    • FAQs Studium (the page is not translated yet)
    • Archivkooperation (the page is not translated yet)
    • Ringvorlesung FS23 Flores Verni (the page is not translated yet)
  • Forschungskolloquien
    • Kachel Geschlechterkolloquium (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kachel Kolloquium Vormoderne (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kachel Renaissancekolloquium (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kachel 19. bis 21. Jahrhundert (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kachel Osteuropäische Geschichte (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kachel Research Seminar African History (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kachel Nordwesteuropa (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kolloquium Vormoderne (the page is not translated yet)
    • Basler Renaissancekolloquium (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kolloquium 19. bis 21. Jahrhundert (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kolloquium Osteuropäische Geschichte (the page is not translated yet)
    • Research Seminar African History (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kolloquium Geschlechtergeschichte (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kolloquium Nordwesteuropa (the page is not translated yet)
    • Linkbox Alle Kolloquien (the page is not translated yet)
  • Forschungsprojekte
    • Stadtgeschichte Basel (the page is not translated yet)
    • Digitales Schaudepot (the page is not translated yet)
    • Digitale Kuration (the page is not translated yet)
    • Ökonomien des Raums (the page is not translated yet)
    • Universitätsgeschichte (the page is not translated yet)
    • Drittmittelprojekte
      • Killing to Keep (the page is not translated yet)
      • Dynastic Reproduction (the page is not translated yet)
      • Soziale Sicherheit im Klassenzimmer (the page is not translated yet)
      • Altern aus weiblicher Sicht (the page is not translated yet)
      • Dame aus Barfuesserkirche (the page is not translated yet)
      • Curiositas_Kachel (the page is not translated yet)
      • Münsterschatz digital (the page is not translated yet)
      • Macht der Stimme (the page is not translated yet)
      • African Contributions to Global Health. Circulating Knowledge and Innovations (the page is not translated yet)
      • Issues with Europe (the page is not translated yet)
      • Global Cultures of Risk (the page is not translated yet)
      • Printed Markets (the page is not translated yet)
      • Wirtschaftsgeschichte (the page is not translated yet)
      • Thalassokratie (the page is not translated yet)
      • Materialized Identities (the page is not translated yet)
      • Jacob Burckhardt Edition (the page is not translated yet)
      • Sites of Mediation (the page is not translated yet)
      • Doing House and Family (the page is not translated yet)
      • Imperial Subjects (the page is not translated yet)
      • Russlands Aufbruch in die Moderne (the page is not translated yet)
      • Disentangling European HIV/AIDS Policies (the page is not translated yet)
      • Die Freundin (the page is not translated yet)
      • Genealogical Diagramms in an Urban Society (the page is not translated yet)
    • Dissertationen_Projekte
      • Mittelalter
        • Bego-Ghina, Benedikt (the page is not translated yet)
        • Muhmentaler, Valerie (the page is not translated yet)
        • Steffenino, Teresa (the page is not translated yet)
        • Vonwiller, Aline Hélène (the page is not translated yet)
      • FNZ
        • Bardenheuer, Markus (the page is not translated yet)
        • Bentsch, Selina (the page is not translated yet)
        • Consuegra, Cristian (the page is not translated yet)
        • Gaidetzka, Marcus (the page is not translated yet)
        • Jakob, Janine (the page is not translated yet)
        • Tesolin, Edoardo Flavio (the page is not translated yet)
        • Reimann, Anna (the page is not translated yet)
        • Rospert, Sabrina (the page is not translated yet)
        • Schaffner, Michael (the page is not translated yet)
        • Schneider, Flavia (the page is not translated yet)
        • Steffen, Sara (the page is not translated yet)
        • Steiner, Michèle (the page is not translated yet)
        • Struck, Joachim (the page is not translated yet)
        • Voerkel, Elise (the page is not translated yet)
        • Vogt, Aline (the page is not translated yet)
      • NNG
        • Baumeister, Miriam (the page is not translated yet)
        • Blatter, Bettina (the page is not translated yet)
        • Blatter, Viviane Alexandra (the page is not translated yet)
        • Blättler-Schwab, Alena (the page is not translated yet)
        • Blickle, Paul (the page is not translated yet)
        • Burri, Jennifer (the page is not translated yet)
        • Criscione, Luca (the page is not translated yet)
        • Emmenegger, Lukas (the page is not translated yet)
        • Fäs, Sophie (the page is not translated yet)
        • Faist, Moritz (the page is not translated yet)
        • Fleischmann, Sandra Rebecca (the page is not translated yet)
        • Frey, Laura Maria (the page is not translated yet)
        • Hagmann, Sarah (the page is not translated yet)
        • Hartmann, Lukas (the page is not translated yet)
        • Hattemer, Derek (the page is not translated yet)
        • Hänggi, Yves (the page is not translated yet)
        • Kocher, Eva Ariane (the page is not translated yet)
        • Kury, Lars (the page is not translated yet)
        • Kuster, Amos (the page is not translated yet)
        • Leoni, Lucia (the page is not translated yet)
        • Musterle, Claus (the page is not translated yet)
        • Neuhaus, Emmanuel (the page is not translated yet)
        • Probst, Milo (the page is not translated yet)
        • Pursche, Robert (the page is not translated yet)
        • Roy, Charlotte (the page is not translated yet)
        • Rügge, Linus (the page is not translated yet)
        • Schneider, Katrin (the page is not translated yet)
        • Sonnack, Patrick (the page is not translated yet)
        • Stoffel, Julian (the page is not translated yet)
        • Suter, Anja (the page is not translated yet)
        • Urech, Tobias (the page is not translated yet)
        • Vercher Diaz, Miriam (the page is not translated yet)
        • Vicent, Fiona (the page is not translated yet)
        • Wullschleger, Tabea (the page is not translated yet)
        • Yersin, Séveric (the page is not translated yet)
        • Zürcher, Daniel (the page is not translated yet)
      • Afrika
        • Fadeyi, Tolulope Esther (the page is not translated yet)
        • Graf, Andrea (the page is not translated yet)
        • Herzog, Kai Florian (the page is not translated yet)
        • Hufschmidt, Max (the page is not translated yet)
        • Kaliofasi, Mellisa (the page is not translated yet)
        • Kocher, Eva Ariane (the page is not translated yet)
        • Korn, Thanushiyah (the page is not translated yet)
        • Mlacha, Francis Daudi (the page is not translated yet)
        • Ngwenya, Brian (the page is not translated yet)
      • Jüdische Geschichte
        • Bauerfeind, Moritz (the page is not translated yet)
        • Jenkel, Lisa (the page is not translated yet)
        • Langenegger, Catrina (the page is not translated yet)
        • Pollack, Olga (the page is not translated yet)
        • Süess, Patrik (the page is not translated yet)
      • Osteuropa
        • Grieder, Julia Elena (the page is not translated yet)
        • Hela, Oksana (the page is not translated yet)
        • Steininger, Felix Karl Lukas (the page is not translated yet)
        • Läser, Fenja (the page is not translated yet)
        • Lautenschläger, Henning (the page is not translated yet)
        • Polek, Sophia (the page is not translated yet)
        • Rieben, Rhea (the page is not translated yet)
        • Sterchi, Oliver (the page is not translated yet)
        • Thoma, Luca (the page is not translated yet)
        • Valter, Kira (the page is not translated yet)
        • Wedl, Alexandra (the page is not translated yet)
        • Willms, Kai Johann (the page is not translated yet)
      • Assoziierte
        • Berger, Seraina (the page is not translated yet)
        • Schmid, Sabrina (the page is not translated yet)
        • Zimmermann, Julian (the page is not translated yet)
    • Postdoc_Projekte
      • Belge, Boris (the page is not translated yet)
      • Martin, Barbara Kachel (the page is not translated yet)
      • Martin, Barbara (the page is not translated yet)
      • Berger, Maximiliane (the page is not translated yet)
      • Feichtinger, Moritz (the page is not translated yet)
      • Haldemann, Arno (the page is not translated yet)
      • Haehnle, Mirjam (the page is not translated yet)
      • Hertel, Patricia (the page is not translated yet)
      • Leyrer, Anna (the page is not translated yet)
      • Mark-Thiesen, Cassandra (the page is not translated yet)
      • Martynyuk, Olha (the page is not translated yet)
      • Morche, Franz-Julius (the page is not translated yet)
      • Palko, Olena (the page is not translated yet)
      • Kassymbekova, Botakoz (the page is not translated yet)
      • Brugger, Eva (the page is not translated yet)
      • Roth, Carla (the page is not translated yet)
      • Serif, Ina (the page is not translated yet)
      • Tranter, Maria (the page is not translated yet)
    • Verbundsprojekte
    • Basler Geschichte
      • Basler Geschichte (the page is not translated yet)
  • Kontakte DG
    • Kontakt DG_Bild_Streetmap (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kontakt mit Bild (the page is not translated yet)
    • Lageplan (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kontakt DG (the page is not translated yet)
    • Phil App (the page is not translated yet)
  • Departement
    • Portrait (the page is not translated yet)
  • Bereiche
    • Afrika
      • Black Lives Matter (the page is not translated yet)
  • Zitate
    • _zu Geschichte
      • Wedgewood (the page is not translated yet)
      • Levi (the page is not translated yet)
      • Paul (the page is not translated yet)
      • Burckhardt (the page is not translated yet)
      • Benjamin (the page is not translated yet)
      • Scott (the page is not translated yet)
      • Tucholsky (the page is not translated yet)
      • Lessing (the page is not translated yet)
      • Zitat Arni (the page is not translated yet)
    • _von Studis
      • Aline (the page is not translated yet)
      • Nina1 (the page is not translated yet)
      • Nina2 (the page is not translated yet)
      • Louanne1 (the page is not translated yet)
      • Louanne2 (the page is not translated yet)
      • Louanne3 (the page is not translated yet)
      • Oliver (the page is not translated yet)
      • Katharina (the page is not translated yet)
      • Christoph (the page is not translated yet)
      • Anna (the page is not translated yet)
      • Jan (the page is not translated yet)
      • Jill (the page is not translated yet)
      • Nadja (the page is not translated yet)
  • News
    • News_Für Fakultät
    • Events_Für Fakultät
    • Basel History Lecture (the page is not translated yet)
    • Medienspiegel (the page is not translated yet)
    • Kachel Medienspiegel (the page is not translated yet)
    • Neuerscheinungen (the page is not translated yet)
    • Jetzt-Zeit Blog (the page is not translated yet)
    • Blog Exilland Schweiz (the page is not translated yet)
    • The Color Line Blog (the page is not translated yet)
    • Blog Materialized Histories (the page is not translated yet)
    • Ausstellung "Auf der Suche nach Fritz Platten" (the page is not translated yet)
    • Krieg Ukraine (the page is not translated yet)
    • Corona (the page is not translated yet)