Dr. Nikol Dziub
Research associate
Nikol Dziub
Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Geschichte
Professur Schenk

Research associate

Departement Geschichte
Hirschgässlein 21
4051 Basel


Curriculum Vitae

09/2023-08/2025 SNF Grantee for the post-doctoral project “Gender and Nation in the Biographical Interpretations of Lesya Ukrainka’s Life and Works: Ukraine-Russian Empire-USSR, 1898-2022”. (Departement Geschichte, Bereich Osteuropäische Geschichte, University of Basel)

09/2017-08/2023 Research engeneer for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (University of Haute-Alsace).

07/2020, 07/2019, 04/2019 Visiting researcher at the Fondation des Treilles (Tourtour, France).

01/2019 Visiting researcher at the Jacques-Doucet literary library (Paris).

09/2019-08/2021 Fondation Catherine Gide and Fondation des Treilles Award for the post-doctoral project “The Kremlin Cellars: André Gide and La Nouvelle Revue française facing Russia and the Soviet Union” (includes the edition of the correspondence of André Gide and Fedor Rosenberg).

11/2016 Visiting researcher in Azerbaijan (Universities of Ganja and Baku and Baku Institute of Folklore).

09/2016-08/2017 Postdoctoral research fellowship, “Nizami Ganjavi Chair in Literature and Culture”, University of Haute-Alsace (in partnership with the Universities of Ganja and Baku, Azerbaijan).

01/09/2015-08/2023 Temporary teacher at the University of Haute-Alsace, ca 400 hours.

Since 02/2016 Elected to work as a lecturer (“Maître de conférences”) in French Universities, in French and comparative literatures (eligibility renewed on 16/02/2021).

Since 06/2016 Researcher at the Institute for European Languages and Literatures, University of Haute-Alsace.

Since 01/2016 Translator, from Ukrainian and Russian into French.

09/2014-08/2016 Part-time administrative assistant at the Communication Office of the University of Haute-Alsace.

09/2014-08/2016 Part-time teaching assistant at Sainte-Thérèse Primary School, Mulhouse.

09/2011-11/2015 PhD in “French, General and Comparative Languages and Literatures” at the University of Haute-Alsace, summa cum laude. Thesis Prize, University of Haute-Alsace – University of Strasbourg. “From Wander to Wonder: Romantic Journeys through Andalusia”. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7010058

09/2010-08/2011 Master II “Arts and Letters: Comparative Literature” at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France). International scholarship grant.

09/2004-08/2009 Bachelor, Master I, Master II “Philology, specialisation in French and English languages, foreign literature and translation”, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine). Merit-based grant.

2008-2009 Interpreter, from Ukrainian and Russian into French and vice versa.

01/09/2000-30/08/2004 Kyiv High School for French Language, Ukraine.

01/09/1997-30/08/2000 Budé Middle School, Geneva, Switzerland.


Teaching activities

09/2015-06/2023 Temporary teacher at the UHA: all levels, ca 400 hours in total. Disciplines: Ukrainian Literature; Slavic literatures; Russian Language; Russian Literature; Russian Cultural History 19th-20th century; English language; French language; French literature; general and comparative literature; literature and the visual arts; literary history; academic research methodology (literature, marketing, food science); bibliographic search; IT tools for research.

09/2008-05/2009 Teaching internship in higher education (216 hours of French language and culture courses for students of the French Philology Bachelor), Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine). Topics covered: French as a foreign language; grammar; phonetics; stylistics; history of French literature.

09/2007-05/2008 Teaching internship in secondary education (216 hours of French language and culture classes in the final year of high school) at the Kyiv High School of French Language. Practical work on French grammar and themes (written and oral); preparation for the baccalaureate and university entrance exams.

Aktuelles Forschungsprojekt

Gender and nation in the biographical interpretations of Lesya Ukrainka’s life and works: Ukraine-Russian Empire-USSR, 1898-2022 (SNF-Project)

Lesya Ukrainka (1871-1913) is undoubtedly the most significant figure in Ukrainian women’s literature: her works are full of both mythical and historical heroines torn between tradition and modernity; she wrote comparative studies on the European women’s literature of her time; and she has played (and still plays) a major role in feminine and Ukrainian emancipations.

Due to her emancipatory ideas, Ukrainka’s works enjoyed unparalleled popularity during the Russian Empire, in the USSR and in post-1991 Ukraine. But they have been the subject of contradictory interpretations.

The aim of this project is therefore to understand how biographical studies of Ukrainka have transformed her into a mythical figure who is a projection of the dominant ideologies of the three aforementioned eras.

The project has three aims: 1) to improve the analysis of the status of gender and national issues in biographical studies of Ukrainka; 2) to build a classification of the types of biographical interpretations and the rhetorical, comparative and intertextual tools used to construct them; 3) to make our analytical models applicable to other writers.

We will use a methodology at the crossroads of three disciplines (comparative literature; Eastern European history; Slavistics) and two transdisciplinary fields (women’s/gender studies; post-imperial studies). The project will raise awareness of Ukrainian literature and the works of Ukrainka, which continue to have a significant impact on the development of the idea of the emancipation of women and “small” nations.

  • Cultural policies in the Russian Empire, Ukraine, (post-)Soviet world.
  • The edges and borders of Europe and of the Russian and Soviet empires.
  • Cultural exchanges between the French- and Russian-/Ukrainian-speaking worlds.
  • Comparative literature and comparativist methods: theory and practice.
  • Intimate writing (travel literature, diaries, correspondence) and its publication.
  • Women’s writing: its silences and powers.
  • Translation and censorship.

08-09/06/2023 Co-organisation (with Prof. Dr. Régine Battiston and Dr. Augustin Voegele) of the international symposium Epistolary Friendships between Literature and Politics, UHA.

25-26/11/2021 Co-organisation (with Prof. Dr. Régine Battiston and Dr. Augustin Voegele) of the international symposium Enmity in Writers’ Correspondence, UHA.

03-04/06/2021 Co-organisation (with Prof. Dr. Nicolas Bourguinat, and in collaboration with the University of Strasbourg) of the international and interdisciplinary symposium Travel and Friendship, UHA.

19-20/11/2020 Co-organisation (with Prof. Dr. Régine Battiston) of the international symposium Literature and Friendship in Writers’ Letters, UHA.

27-28/06/2019 Co-organisation (with Dr. Augustin Voegele) of the international symposium Nobel Prize: A European Spirit? (1989-2019), UHA.

08/03/2019 Co-organisation (with Prof. Dr. Frédérique Toudoire-Surlapierre) of the international symposium Women comparativists’ Day, UHA.

19/01/2018 // 19/04/2018 // 05/07/2018 // 15/02/2019 Co-organisation (with the teams of ILLE and LISEC) of the seminarsInterculturality andOrality; Three Methods to Understand Interculturality; Intercultural Transfers of Emotions; Cross-Culturalities, UHA.

28-29/06/2018 Organisation of the international and interdisciplinary symposium Cross-Border Spaces: Practices and Figurations, UHA (in collaboration with the Universities of Freiburg im Breisgau and of the Greater Region).

22-23/06/2017 Co-organisation (with Prof. Dr. Frédérique Toudoire-Surlapierre) of the international symposium Comparative Literature in Europe, UHA.

05-06/12/2016 Co-organisation (with Prof. Dr. Greta Komur-Thilloy) of the international and interdisciplinary symposium Multiculturalism, Interculturality, Complex Identity: The Example of the Caucasus, UHA.

21-22/06/2016 Organisation of the international and interdisciplinary symposium The Rhine Travellers, UHA.


Dziub, N. (2018) “Son arme était la harpe”. Pouvoirs de la femme et du barde chez Nizami et dans Le Livre de Dede Korkut[“Her Weapon was the Harp.” The Power of Women and Bards in Nizami’s Works and in The Book of Dede Korkut], Berlin, LitVerlag, “Studies on South East Europe”, 257 p. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007093

Dziub, N. (2018)Voyages en Andalousie au XIXe siècle. La Fabrique de la modernité romantique [Journeys through Andalusia in the 19th Century. The Creation of Romantic Modernity], Geneva, Droz, “History of Ideas and Literary Criticism”, 495, 441 p. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7010116


Dziub, N. (2021) André Gide-Fédor Rosenberg, Correspondance (1896-1934) [Letters (1896-1934)], Lyon, Presses Universitaires de Lyon [Lyon University Press], 2021, 599 p. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7010423

Herausgeberschaften Spezialausgabe Fachzeitschrift

Dziub, N. (ed.) (2022) “Retour de l’URSS: genèse et réception des récits de voyage français en Union soviétique” [“The Return from the USSR: Genesis and Reception of French Travel Narratives in the Soviet Union”], Viatica, No. 9, https://revues-msh.uca.fr/viatica/index.php?id=2232

Bourguinat, N. and Dziub, N. (ed.) (2021) “Voyages éducatifs: histoires de textes et de pratiques pédagogiques” [“Educational Journeys: Stories of Texts and Pedagogical Practices”], Source(s). Arts, civilisation et histoire de l’Europe [Source(s). Arts, Civilisation and History of Europe], No. 19, https://dx.doi.org/10.57086/sources.66

Herausgeberschaften Sammelbände 

Bourguinat, N. and Dziub, N. (ed.) Voyage et amitié [Travel and Friendship], Strasbourg, Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg [Strasbourg University Press], submitted and accepted, to be printed in 2024. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace/University of Strasbourg, 03-04/06/2021.) Preprint forthcoming.

Battiston, R., Dziub, N. and Voegele, A. (ed.) (2023) L’Inimitié dans les correspondances d’écrivains [Enmity in the Correspondence of Writers], Reims, Éditions et Presses Universitaires de Reims [Reims University Press], 256 p. Link forthcoming.

Dziub, N. and Toudoire-Surlapierre, F. (ed.) (2023) Horizons de la comparaison [The Horizons of Comparison], Fabula – Les colloques (online), URL : https://www.fabula.org/colloques/sommaire8463.php

Battiston, R., Dziub, N. and Voegele, A. (ed.) (2022) “Amitiés vives”: littérature et amitié dans les correspondances d’écrivains [Living Friendships: Literature and Friendship in the Correspondence of Writers],Reims, Éditions et Presses Universitaires de Reims [Reims University Press], 324 p. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 19-20/11/2020.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7221483

Dziub, N. and Toudoire-Surlapierre, F. (ed.) (2022) Féminisme, comparatisme et création [Feminism, Comparativism and Creation], Paris, Orizons, 221 p. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 08/03/2019.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007409

Dziub, N. and Voegele, A. (ed.) (2021) Le Prix Nobel de littérature et l’Europe [The Nobel Prize for Literature and Europe],Warsaw, Peter Lang, “Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Arts”, 205 p. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 20-21/06/2019.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007431

Dziub, N. (ed.) (2020) Le Transfrontalier: pratiques et représentations [Cross-Border Spaces: Practices and Representations], Reims, Éditions et Presses Universitaires de Reims [Reims University Press], 2020, 311 p. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 28-29/06/2018.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007445

Dziub, N. and Komur-Thilloy, G. (2020) Penser le multiculturalisme dans les marges de l’Europe [Multiculturalism in the Margins of Europe], Berlin,LitVerlag, “Studies on South East Europe”, 136 p. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 05-06/12/2016.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007463

Dziub, N. and Toudoire-Surlapierre, F. (ed.) (2019) Comparative Literature in Europe: Challenges and Perspectives, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 243 p. In English. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 22-23/06/2017.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007508

Dziub, N., Musinova, T. and Voegele, A. (ed.) (2019) Traduction et interculturalité. Entre identité et altérité [Translation and Interculturality. Between Identity and Otherness], Warsaw, Peter Lang, “Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Arts”, 2019, 133 p. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7010147

Dziub, N. and Komur-Thilloy, G. (2017) L’Ashiq et le troubadour: perspectives transversales sur l’art de la poésie musicale [The Ashiq and the Troubadour: Transversal Perspectives on the Art of Musical Poetry], Reims, Éditions et Presses Universitaires de Reims [Reims University Press], 284 p. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007567

Dziub, N. (ed.) (2016) Les Voyageurs du Rhin [The Rhine Travellers], Reims, Éditions et Presses Universitaires de Reims [Reims University Press], 324 p. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 21-22/04/2016.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7010034

Aufsätze in Zeitschriften

Dziub, N. (2022) “Retour de l’URSS. Les voyages français en Union soviétique et leurs récits” [“Back from the USSR: The French Travels in the Soviet Union and Their Narratives”], Nikol Dziub (Ed.), Viatica, No. 9: “Retour de l’URSS: genèse et réception des récits de voyage français en Union soviétique” [“Back from the USSR: Genesis and Reception of French Travel Narratives in the Soviet Union”], https://revues-msh.uca.fr/viatica/index.php?id=2236

Dziub, N. (2022) “Voyage et URSS. Le discours préfaciel dans les récits de voyage en URSS (1927-1936)” [“Travel and the USSR. The prefaces in the travel narratives in the USSR (1927-1936)”], Nikol Dziub (Ed.), Viatica, No. 9: “Retour de l’URSS: genèse et réception des récits de voyage français en Union soviétique” [“Back from the USSR: Genesis and Reception of French Travel Narratives in the Soviet Union”], https://revues-msh.uca.fr/viatica/index.php?id=2237

Dziub, N. (2019) “Traduction et censure: la réception du Retour de l’URSS de Gide en Ukraine et en Russie” [“Translation and Censorship: The Reception of Gide’s Return from the USSR in Ukraine and Russia”], Bulletin des Amis d’André Gide [Bulletin of André Gide’s Friends], No. 201/202, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007139

Dziub, N. (2018) “Voyage et publicité dans les Murray’s Handbooks for Travellers” [“Travel and Advertising in Murray’s Handbooks for Travellers”], Mélodie Simard-Houde (Ed.), Mémoires du livre/Studies in Book Culture, vol. 10, No. 1: “Voyager dans la modernité: des moyens techniques aux supports imprimés de l’aventure” [“Travelling in Modernity: from Technical Means of Adventure to Printed Media”], https://doi.org/10.7202/1055403ar

Dziub, N. (2017) “Le ‘cinéma de poésie’, ou l’identité du poétique et du politique” [“The ‘Cinema of Poetry’, or the Identity of the Poetic and the Political”], Nadja Cohen and Anne Reverseau (Eds.), Fabula LhT, No. 18: “Un je-ne-sais-quoi de ‘poétique’: l’idée de poésie hors du champ littéraire” [“Something ‘Poetic’: The Idea of Poetry Outside the Literary Field”], http://www.fabula.org/lht/18/dziub.html

Dziub, N. (2017) “Ligne de vie ou tracé de mort? La frontière dans la littérature ukrainienne” [“Lifeline or Lethal Layout? The Boundary in Ukrainian Literature”], Adhoc Journal, No. 5: “La Frontière” [“The Boundary”], https://adhoc.hypotheses.org/ad-hoc-n5-la-frontiere-resumes-des-articles/nikol-dziub-ligne-de-vie-ou-trace-de-mort-la-frontiere-dans-la-litterature-ukrainienne

Dziub, N. (2016) “La résistance cinématographique à la littérature, des formalistes russes à Dos Passos” [“The Cinematic Resistance to Literature, from Russian Formalists to Dos Passos”], Trans. Revue de littérature générale et comparée [Trans. The Journal of General and Comparative Literature], No. 20: “Résister à la littérature” [“Resistance to Literature”], https://doi.org/10.4000/trans.1254

Dziub, N. (2016) “Du 1er septembre à la cérémonie de fin d’année: les rituels scolaires dans le cinéma soviétique” [“From September 1 to the End-Of-Year Ceremony: School Rituals in Soviet Cinema (1948-1981)”], CinétrENS, No. 1: “Le Rituel” [“The Ritual”], Lyon, ENS Editions, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007389

Aufsätze in Sammelbänden

Dziub, N. Entries “Niemcewicz”, “Poland” and others, Corinne Bayle-Goureau (Ed.), Dictionnaire Gérard de Nerval [Gérard de Nerval: A Dictionary], Paris, Classiques Garnier, accepted, to be printed in 2024. Preprints forthcoming.

Dziub, N. “Être son propre Pygmalion : Marie Bashkirtseff, sculptrice et diariste” [“"Being One’s Own Pygmalion: Marie Bashkirtseff, Sculptor and Diarist”], Eva Belgherbi, Florence Fix and Corinne François-Denève (Eds.), La Revanche de Galatée. Sculptrices : portraits, représentations et personnages au XIXe siècle [Galatea’s Revenge. Women Sculptors: Portraits, Representations and Characters in the 19th Century], under evaluation. (International symposium. Rouen University, 29/09/2023.) Link forthcoming.

Dziub, N. “La famine, la littérature et la politique dans la correspondance entre Staline et Cholokhov” [“Famine, Literature and Politics in the Correspondence between Stalin and Cholokhov”], Régine Battiston, Nikol Dziub and Augustin Voegele (Eds.), Amitiés épistolaires entre littérature et politique [Epistolary Friendships between Literature and Politics], under evaluation. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 08-09/06/2023.) Link forthcoming.

Dziub, N. “Gide et Dreiser invités en URSS : ‘je n’ai commencé d’y voir clair que lorsque, quittant l’auto des Gouverneurs, je me suis décidé à parcourir le pays seul, à pied’” [“Gide and Dreiser Invited to the USSR: ‘I only began to see things clearly when, leaving the Governors’ car, I decided to explore the country alone, on foot’”], Elena Chashchina (Ed.), La Propagande aux croisements de regards multiples [Propaganda at the Crossroads of Multiple Viewpoints], under evaluation. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 12-13/06/2023.) Link forthcoming.

Bourguinat, N. and Dziub, N., “L’amitié en voyage. Introduction” [“Travelling Friendship. An Introduction”], Nicolas Bourguinat and Nikol Dziub (Eds.), Voyage et amitié [Travel and Friendship], Strasbourg, Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg [Strasbourg University Press], accepted, to be published in 2024. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace/University of Strasbourg, 03-04/06/2021.) Preprint forthcoming.

Dziub, N. “‘Six paires d’yeux et d’oreilles’: André Gide et ses amis en URSS” [“‘Six Pairs of Eyes and Ears’: Gide and His Friends in the USSR”], Nicolas Bourguinat and Nikol Dziub (Eds.), Voyage et amitié [Travel and Friendship], Strasbourg, Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg [Strasbourg University Press], accepted, to be published in 2023. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace/University of Strasbourg, 03-04/06/2021.) Preprint forthcoming.

Dziub, N. “Décentrer la langue russe: Gogol, Chevtchenko, Andrukhovych” [“Decentralizing the Russian Language: Gogol, Shevchenko, Andrukhovych”], Amaury Dehoux and Zhao Baisheng (Eds.), Centre et périphérie: une nouvelle approche de la World Literature[Centre and Periphery: A New Approach to World Literature], under evaluation.(International symposium, Louvain-la-Neuve University, 19-21/10/2016). Preprint forthcoming.

Dziub, N. (2023) “Les conflits artistiques dans les lettres de Lessia Oukraïnka: un affrontement idéologique?” [“The Artistic Conflicts in the Letters of Lesya Ukrainka: An Ideological Battle?”], Régine Battiston, Nikol Dziub and Augustin Voegele (Eds.), L’Inimitié dans les correspondances d’écrivains [Enmity in the Correspondence of Writers], Reims, EPURE. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 25-26/11/2021.) Link forthcoming.

Battiston, R., Dziub, N. and Voegele, A. (2023), “Introduction. Des amitiés en train de se défaire” [“Introduction. Friendships in the Process of Unravelling”], Régine Battiston, Nikol Dziub and Augustin (Eds.), L’Inimitié dans les correspondances d’écrivains [Enmity in Writers’ Correspondence], Reims, Éditions et Presses Universitaires de Reims. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 25-26/11/2021.) Link forthcoming.

Dziub, N. (2022) “Et voici l’étoile Kostenko” [“Lina Kostenko”], La Règle du jeu [The Rule Book], https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-03821151v1

Battiston, R., Dziub, N. and Voegele, A. (2022), “Introduction”, Régine Battiston, Nikol Dziub and Augustin Voegele (Eds.), “Amitiés vives”: littérature et amitié dans les correspondances d’écrivains [Living Friendships: Literature and Friendship in the Correspondence of Writers],Reims, Éditions et Presses Universitaires de Reims [Reims University Press]. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 19-20/11/2020.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7221483

Dziub, N. (2022) “L’autre Fédor: Gide et son ami Rosenberg” [“The Other Fedor: Gide and his Friend Rosenberg”], Régine Battiston, Nikol Dziub and Augustin Voegele (Eds.), “Amitiés vives”: littérature et amitié dans les correspondances d’écrivains [Living Friendships: Literature and Friendship in the Correspondence of Writers],Reims, Éditions et Presses Universitaires de Reims [Reims University Press]. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 19-20/11/2020.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7221483

Dziub, N. (2021) “Introduction”, Nikol Dziub and Frédérique Toudoire-Surlapierre (Eds.), Féminisme,comparatisme et création [Feminism, Comparativism and Creation], Paris, Orizons. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 08/03/2019.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007409

Dziub, N. (2021) “Féminisme et comparatisme en Ukraine: autour de Lessia Oukraïnka” [“Feminism and Comparativism in Ukraine: around Lesya Ukrainka”], Nikol Dziub and Frédérique Toudoire-Surlapierre (Eds.), Féminisme,comparatisme et création [Feminism, Comparativism and Creation], Paris, Orizons. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 08/03/2019.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007409

Dziub, N. and Voegele, A. (2021), “Valeur(s) du Nobel. Introduction” [“Introduction: Nobel Value(s)”], Nikol Dziub and Augustin Voegele (Eds.), Le Prix Nobel de littérature et l’Europe [The Nobel Prize for Literature and Europe], Warsaw, Peter Lang. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 20-21/06/2019.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007431

Dziub, N. and Voegele, A. (2021), “Conclusion. Le Nobel à l’épreuve du XXIe siècle” [“Conclusion. The Nobel Prize Facing the 21st Century”], Nikol Dziub and Augustin Voegele (Eds.), Le Prix Nobel de littérature et l’Europe [The Nobel Prize for Literature and Europe], Warsaw, Peter Lang. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 20-21/06/2019.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007431

Dziub, N. (2021) “Des poèmes sans paroles: figuration du poète et esthétique poétique chez Sergueï Paradjanov” [“Poems Without Words: Figuration of the Poet and Poetic Aesthetics in Sergei Parajanov’s Works”], Nadja Cohen (Ed.), Un cinéma poétique? [A Poetic Cinema?], Brussels, Impressions Nouvelles. (International symposium A Poetic Cinema?, KU Leuven – Faculteit Letteren Brussels, 08‑09/02/2018.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7011068

Dziub, N. and Komur-Thilloy, G. (2020) “Introduction. Pour une histoire et une généalogie du multiculturalisme” [“Introduction: Towards A History and Genealogy of Multiculturalism”], Nikol Dziub and Greta Komur-Thilloy (Eds.), Penser le multiculturalisme dans les marges de l’Europe [Multiculturalism in the Margins of Europe], Berlin,LitVerlag, “Studies on South East Europe”. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 05-06/12/2016.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007463

Dziub, N. (2020) “Le Livre de Dede Korkut au-delà des frontières culturelles” [“The Book of Dede Korkut beyond Cultural Boundaries”], Nikol Dziub and Greta Komur-Thilloy (Eds.), Penser le multiculturalisme dans les marges de l’Europe [Multiculturalism in the Margins of Europe], Berlin,LitVerlag, “Studies on South East Europe”, 2020. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 05-06/12/2016.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007463

Dziub, N. (2020) “La musique réduite au silence: Chopin chez deux écrivains ukrainiens (Lessia Oukraïnka, Maksym Rylski)” [“Music Reduced to Silence: Chopin in the Works of Two Ukrainian Writers (Lesya Ukrainka and Maksym Rylsky)”], Peter Schnyder and Augustin Voegele (Eds.), Écrire avec Chopin. Frédéric Chopin dans la littérature [Writing with Chopin. Frédéric Chopin in Literature], Paris, Honoré Champion. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 21-23/06/2018.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007475

Dziub, N. (2020) “Paroles et images gelées. Le discours verbal et graphique sur le froid russe chez Doré, Sears et Dumas” [“Frozen Words and Images. The Verbal and Graphic Discourse on the Russian Cold in Doré, Sears and Dumas”], Gilles Bertrand, Daniel Chartier, Alain Guyot, Marie Mossé and Anne-Élisabeth Spica (Eds.), Voyages illustrés aux pays froids (XVIe-XIXe siècles): de l’invention de l’imprimerie à celle de la photographie [Illustrated Journeys to Cold Countries (16th-19th Centuries): From the Invention of Printing to That of Photography], Clermont-Ferrand, Presses de l’Université Blaise-Pascal [Blaise-Pascal University Press]. (International symposium. University of Lorraine, 14-17/06/2017.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007503

Dziub, N. (2020) “Introduction”, Nikol Dziub (Ed.), Le Transfrontalier: pratiques et représentations [Cross-Border Spaces: Practices and Representations], Reims, Éditions et Presses Universitaires de Reims [Reims University Press]. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 28-29/06/2018.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007445

Domínguez, C. and Dziub, N. (2020) “In the Margins of (the Idea of) Europe: A Tale of Two Galicias as Constructive Comparativism”, Vladimir Biti, Joep Leerssen and Vivian Liska (Eds.), The Idea of Europe: The Clash of Projections, Leiden, Brill, “European Studies”. In English. (International symposium The Idea of Europe: The Clash of Projections, The Academy of Europe, Slavistics Institute, University of Vienna, 08-10/09/2017.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7011261

Dziub, N., Musinova, T. and Voegele, A. (2019) “Introduction: les aspects culturels de la pratique traduisante” [“Introduction: The Cultural Aspects of Translation”], Nikol Dziub, Tatiana Musinova and Augustin Voegele (Eds.), Traduction et interculturalité. Entre identité et altérité [Translation and Interculturality. Between Identity and Otherness], Warsaw, Peter Lang, “Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Arts”, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7010147

Dziub, N. and Voegele, A. (2019) “L’amitié entre deux langues: André Gide et Jules Romains traduits en russe par Adrian Frankovski (1925-1926)” [“Friendship Between Two Languages: André Gide and Jules Romains Translated into Russian by Adrian Frankovski (1925-1926)”], Nikol Dziub, Tatiana Musinova and Augustin Voegele (Eds.), Traduction et interculturalité. Entre identité et altérité[Translation and Interculturality. Between Identity and Otherness], Warsaw, Peter Lang, “Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Arts”, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7010147

Dziub, N., Musinova, T. and Voegele, A. (2019) “Conclusion: la culture dans le texte” [“Conclusion: Culture in Text”], Nikol Dziub, Tatiana Musinova and Augustin Voegele (Eds.), Traduction et interculturalité. Entre identité et altérité[Translation and Interculturality. Between Identity and Otherness], Warsaw, Peter Lang, “Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Arts”, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7010147

Dziub, N. and Komur-Thilloy, G. (2019) “La lecture à l’épreuve des textes pluri-auctoriaux et plurilingues: Mon Europe de Yuri Andrukhovych et Andrzej Stasiuk” [“Reading Pluri-Auctorial and Plurilingual Texts: The Case of My Europe by Yuri Andrukhovych and Andrzej Stasiuk”], Alain Trouvé (Ed.), La lecture littéraire [Literary Reading], Paris, L’Improviste,. (International symposium Literary Reading, Reims University, 28-31/05/2018.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7011271

Dziub, N. (2019) “Practical Introduction”, Nikol Dziub and Frédérique Toudoire-Surlapierre (Eds.), Comparative Literature in Europe: Challenges and Perspectives, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 22-23/06/2017.) In English. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007508

Dziub, N. (2019) “Comparative Literature in Ukraine: Brotherhood and Periphery”, Nikol Dziub and Frédérique Toudoire-Surlapierre (Eds.), Comparative Literature in Europe: Challenges and Perspectives, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 22-23/06/2017.) In English. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007508

Dziub, N. (2018) “Jane Dieulafoy au Moyen-Orient, ou l’apprentissage d’une autre féminité” [“Jane Dieulafoy in the Middle East, or How to Learn Another Femininity”], Alessandra Ballotti, Inkar Kuramayeva and Frédérique Toudoire-Surlapierre (Eds.), L’Apprentissage au féminin [Female Apprenticeship], Reims, Éditions et Presses Universitaires de Reims [Reims University Press]. (Symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 09-10/02/2017.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007537

Dziub, N. and Komur-Thilloy, G., (2017) “Introduction”, Nikol Dziub, Greta Komur-Thilloy and Pierre Thilloy (Eds.), L’Ashiq et le troubadour: perspectives transversales sur l’art de la poésie musicale [The Ashiq and the Troubadour: Transversal Perspectives on the Art of Musical Poetry], Reims, Éditions et Presses Universitaires de Reims [Reims University Press]. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 26-27/04/2016.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007567

Dziub, N. (2017) “Paradjanov et les ashiq : un cinéma de la liberté poétique” [“Parajanov and the Ashiqs: A Cinema of Poetic Freedom”], Nikol Dziub, Greta Komur-Thilloy and Pierre Thilloy (Eds.), L’Ashiq et le troubadour: perspectives transversales sur l’art de la poésie musicale [The Ashiq and the Troubadour: Transversal Perspectives on the Art of Musical Poetry], Reims, Éditions et Presses Universitaires de Reims [Reims University Press]. (International symposium. University of Haute-Alsace, 26-27/04/2016.) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7007567

Dziub, N. (2016) “Traduire la guerre d’Ukraine de 2014” [“Translating the Ukrainian War of 2014”], Lynne Franjié (Ed.), Guerre et traduction. Représenter et traduire la guerre [War and Translation. Representing and Translating War], Paris, L’Harmattan, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7010231


Dziub, N. and Philonenko, S. (2022) Translated from Ukrainian into French: Lina Kostenko, Journal d’un fou ukrainien [Diary of a Ukrainian Madman], Paris, L’Harmattan, https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-03754778Ukrainian Book Institute Award

Dziub, N. (2022) Translated from Ukrainian into French: Radomyr Mokryk, “Les Dissidents ukrainiens: l’éthique contre le système soviétique” [“Ukrainian Dissidents: Ethics against the Soviet System”], La Règle du jeu [The Rule Book], https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-03821111v1

Dziub, N. (2022) Translated from Ukrainian into French: Radomyr Mokryk: “Viatcheslav Tchornovil: du ‘général des taulards’ au leader national” [“Vyacheslav Chornovil: from ‘Convict General’ to National Leader”], La Règle du jeu [The Rule Book], https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-03821131v1


Dziub, N. (2022) “L’URSS, et après?” [“USSR, and Then What?”], nonfiction.fr. Review of: Alain Blum, Françoise Daucé, Marc Elie and Isabelle Ohayon, L’Âge soviétique. Une traversée de l'Empire russe au monde postsoviétique [The Soviet Age. A Journey from the Russian Empire to the Post-Soviet World], Paris, Armand Colin, 2021, https://www.nonfiction.fr/article-11372-lurss-et-apres.htm

Dziub, N. (2018) “De quoi ‘Tolstoïevski’ est-il le nom?” [“What Does ‘Tolstoyevsky’ Mean?”], Acta Fabula, vol. 19, No. 10. Review of: Pierre Bayard, L’Énigme Tolstoïevski [The Tolstoyevsky’s Enigma], Paris, Minuit, 2017, http://www.fabula.org/acta/document11628.php