Associate members
Doctoral researchers can also apply to become associate members of the Basel Graduate School of History, particularly if their second supervisor is part of the BGSH faculty.
Last Name | First Name | Project | Organization | |
Berger | Seraina | Religious Vocation and Medical Profession. The Reformation Worlds of Alexander Seitz (c. 1470-1545) | seraina.berger@unige.ch | University of Geneva |
Hela | Oksana | Images of Intelligentsia in Soviet Visual Culture | oksana.hela@unibas.ch | Karazin Kharkiv National University |
Schmid | Sabrina | Textures of Sacred Scripture. Materials and Semantics of Sacred Book Ornament in the Western Middle Ages, 780-1300: Textiles | sabrina.schmid@uzh.ch | University of Zurich |
Zimmermann | Julian | Die "Schattenmetropole". Politische Kommunikation, Repräsentation und metropolitane Identität im kommunalen Rom (12.-14. Jahrhundert) | julian1.zimmermann@geschichte.uni-regensburg.de | University of Regensburg |